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Are you a business owner struggling to grow your business...
and lead others in a Christ-like manner?

Do you own a business?  Are you in a position of leadership at work, at church, or at home with the kids?

Do you want to be a better leader so you can accomplish God’s will for your life?

Then this bible study guide is for you!

These twelve lessons for group meetings, or personal study will help you learn how to be better leader. 

The content is taken from the Book of Joshua – a book that details how an ordinary man accomplished extraordinary results when following God’s direction.

Leadership principles to help you:

  • Gain confidence in KNOWING you are where God want’s you
  • Know the “secret formula” for financial success in business… and in life
  • Create better, more effective business plans to grow and prosper
  • Deal with bad employees… the biblical way
  • Be victorious in the ‘battlefields’ you face every day
  • How to set reasonable expectations and dealing with disappointment
  • Answer the question, “Do I own a business… or do I own a job?”
  • How to direct others and delegate work to effectively grow your business
  • Discover how to encourage more frequent ‘good behavior’ for better workplace results
  • Understand “retirement” from God's perspective
  • Leave a legacy that glorifies God and makes your family proud!

This study will challenge you, encourage you to examine your effectiveness as a leader, build your confidence, and strengthen your relationship with the LORD.

Why wait?  Get started today!

About the author...

Randy R. Overly is a successful entrepreneur, author, teacher, public speaker, musician, and worship leader.  He founded an information technology business which he operated for over 30 years.  He sold this successful business to pursue other entrepreneurial interests.  He and his wife, Bonnie, live in Brighton, Michigan.